Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cat naps and puppy love

Another slow and sickly day. Was hoping I would be better by now but seems not. Have spent the majority of the day chasing the sun around the house then curling up and sleeping away the hours like a cat. Harper is not so keen to be my sick buddy anymore and even though he seems to be constantly sneezing (googled this and it seems no, dogs cant catch colds off humans!) he has escaped more than once out the front door. The first time he raced down to see his girlfriend down the road but was disappointed that there would be no playdate today. Izzy (girlfriend dog owned by my friends down the road) was very pleased to see him and they howled to each other as I pulled Harper home. Puppy love.

Harper being slammed by Izzy

The following escape was to the next door neighbours. I had to quickly hang the phone up on my sister as I spied him out the window squatting and ready in position to foul up there perfectly manicure lawn. I was amazed that the group of high school boys walking past only wanted to pat Harper and kindly re-framed from commenting on my crazy ruffled hair, bright green blue and brown pajama pants and red gumboots.

I have had some productivity, made a sock monkey for Ben to take to his little cousin in Australia, whitened some whites with a mix of lemon juice vinegar and baking soda. No good at removing stains but came out beautifully crisp and white and have started on a felt necklace that I will put up a photo of when I have finished. I am off to eat chocolate.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Castration and Donuts

We spent a rainy weekend inside, I have been sick and still am. I have an extreme case of cabin fever caused by the flu. I have watched every episode of Glee, and I was so desperate for entertainment this afternoon that I started watching the Bachelor on tv nz on demand. It drives me crazy and I ended up googling who won. Very disappointing. It would be horrendous to be one of twenty five women all vying for one males attention hoping to be his chosen bride. Of course the Bachelor thinks it is the most amazing time of his life, sure it is when you get to date and makeout with a different girl every day and then watch them squabble over you. Amazingly the bachelor/bachelorette (how do you spell that??) has had some success stories.
Other than watching a humongous amount of tv I have been eating and getting excited about trying out the recipes from the Australian master chef. We had a go at these donuts. They were so yum and me and Ben polished off about twenty of them in 24hours. Pretty impressive aye!

Harper has been my recuperation buddy. He has had a visit to the vet for the snip snip and also the snip of these funny claws on his back legs called dew claws which seem to be there for no other reason than getting caught on everything. He was understandably feeling sorry for himself on the first day buy in less than 12hours is back to his usual self.

Post castration the instructions are to not let your dog jump or run for at least three days. He was zooming up the the set of eight steps to the deck racing around the house up and down, escaping out the front door for a leisurely roam around the neighbourhood while I tried to track him down. He thought this was a game and would wait till I got within a foot of him then would take off. He managed to tear the cone off his head, but not before he had chewed both bandages from his feet (whilst the cone was still on) and then got his whole back leg in his mouth and had a good old chew on his stitches.

He has been sleeping inside since his surgery so we could better watch him and discourage him from ripping his sutures resulting in a expensive trip back to the vet. This morning he thought he would really try his luck and milk this whole sick deal and jump on the bed. He is so extremely cuddly like a big teddy bear so we let him snuggle in by our feet. For that kind gesture he thanked us by vomiting on my pillow two chunks of bone, a hunk of plastic off the scrubbing brush and a wad of dental floss the size of a golf ball.

He also stole a massive piece of steak from the bench, two donuts and a piece of wool. They say castration should calm them down, no sign of that yet.

Maybe it would help if I disciplined him instead of taking photos to show Ben.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cupcake Day

August the 30th is SPCA cupcake day. I love cupcakes and cant wait to bake some and decorate them with cute animal themes. I am thinking rabbit ones with marshmallow ears and licoricce whiskers. Chocolate paw prints. Any other ideas?

We then walk around town and sell them, everything goes to the SPCA of your choice which you register online. I think cupcake day is a pretty awesome idea because I don't know many people who don't like cupcakes!

Ben is running a cupcake day at his work office, isnt he cool. All proceeds will go to our local SPCA. I have taken a few photos of the resident canines to help incase the look of the scrummy cupcakes is'nt enough to attract buyers. Thought I would upload a few here so you can see how incredibly cute they all are.